Pulmonology is derived from a Latin word that means the study of lungs. So, Pulmonology is a type of study in which people read about the lungs' disease and become medical specialists in the disease of lungs and respiratory tract. Pulmonology is considered a branch of internal medicine, and this is related to intensive care medicine.
The doctor who reads about respiratory tract or lungs disease and becomes a specialist on respiratory medicine or chest medicine then becomes a Pulmonologist and is specially trained to treat all respiratory, chest, asthma, tuberculosis, emphysema, and others chest infection disease.
So, if you are suffering from any of the above diseases and in search of any top Pulmonology doctor, then you are in the right place. On this website, you get top Pulmonogists to treat any patient with lungs disease. So, contact us through any of the contact options on this web page.